Read and Annotate
Read and Annotate
Read and annotate the Bible and numerous great books with highlighting, lines, figures and comments. Dozens of Bible translations are available from Amharic to Swedish. All changes stored online and available on all devices and even offline.
Original Language Tools
Original Language Tools
Study the Bible in its original languages of Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic. Select a word for definitions from multiple dictionaries including Liddell-Scott-Jones, Bill Mounce for Greek and Brown-Driver-Briggs for Hebrew and Aramaic. Part of Speech highlighting, root lemma and Hebrew parsing available. Transliteration and morphology also available.

Search for occurrences of words through the Bible in the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New and Old.

Browse lemma morphology highlighting different verb and noun forms along with frequency.
Integrated Study
Integrated Study
Study books, while also writing notes, reading commenatires, following maps and much more.
Advanced Search
Advanced Search
You can search for words and phrases in the Bible in several languages (Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Latin) and you can search across thousands of other works from Plato to Shakespeare. Search by morphology (mood, aspect etc.), prefix/suffixes, semantic domain, verb paradigm, root, clause type, part of speech, loanwords.
Parallel translations
Parallel Translations
Read chapters in parallel across dozens of translations.
e-Reader (Including Loeb Classics)
Use our eReader to read books from an expanding library of great works often available in their orginal languages as well as English. Transliteration tools make reading foreign scripts, such as Greek, Arabic or Hebrew, easy.

Read Loeb classics in parallel with Greek or Latin works. We have a huge library including: Greek and Latin philosophers (Plato, Aristotle etc.); Mathematicians such as Euclid; poets such as Homer or Ovid; Historians such as Herodotus or Josephus; Church fathers; Reformers such as John Calvin and Martin Luther; and authors such as William Shakespeare, John Bunyan or G K Chesterton.
Read New Commentaries
Read New Commentaries
Free commentaries are available to enhance your understanding of the Bible. You can add your own commentaries and rate existing ones. Commentaries include background to books, theological themes and exegesis on a section by section and verse by verse level.
Improve your vocabulary using flashcards. There are predefined cards in Greek, Hebrew, Latin and German. However, you can create your own!
Interactive Maps
Interactive Maps
Explore interactive maps of the biblical world. Follows battles and missionary journeys. Never be lost again, follow every book of the Bible, plotted on our interactive map at verse by verse level.
Interactive 3D Models
Interactive 3D Models
Explore interactive 3D models of the biblical world.
Language Exercises
Exercises allow you to practise your reading, through listening to verses being read and practising your translation.
Biblical manuscripts
One Greek Bible is available, this is Codex Sinaiticus (א) from the 4th C with Greek Old and Testament Two Hebrew Bible are available. These are in colour: Codex London (Hebrew 10th C) and in black and white Codex Leningradensis (Leningrad Codex) which forms the text of modern diplomatic Hebrew bibles including Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS).
Biblical paintings
Biblical Paintings
View albums of biblical paitings.
Watch videos to help learn Biblibal languages and understand exegesis.
You can follow a lectionary or a Bible reading plan. Lectionaries include the ACNA yearly reading plans and M'Cheyne Bible in a Year reading plan. These bible references link to the text allowing users to follow the readings in any translation of their choice. Calendar or date views are available as are options to hide feast days. You can look ahead at future years or previous years back to 0AD. The date for Easter in calculated using an algorithm. A personnel user calendar feature allows journaling and entry of bible verses will be automatically transformed into links to the biblical passages.
Reception History
Reception History
Find Commentaries on passages in reception history See what Philo, Josephus, Augustine, Aquinas, Calvin, Luther, Wesley or Keil-Delitzsch thought about certain passages of the Bible. You can search for words and phrases in the Bible in several languages and you can search across all works.
Connect with Scholars
Connect with Scholars
Connect with other biblical scholars.
Find books
You can search for books in areas of biblical studies and theology.
Write your own notes
Write your own Notes
Take notes and access them from the cloud, anywhere on any device. Edit online and offline. Write and share your notes on books, produce Bible studies, share essays. Keep these private, share with a hidden group managed on the site, or publish your notes for the world to use.
Publish your notes as blogs for the whole world to view, or limit to a private invite-only group. Blogs allow users to comment and provide audience analytics.